Monday, 5 January 2015

Hackers and Cars

Driverless cars could face threat from hackers trying to cause road chaos

This article talks about the self driving car that being tested in 3 selected areas in the United Kingdom in January 2015. The article later talks about how these cars wouls be prone to hacking. The article talks about how the self-driving car could reduce road casualties by eliminating human error, however there is the counter point of the self-driving car could actually increase car accidents amongst motorists who will still use manual cars if and when they are mixing in the same roads, let alone the hacking of hackers trying to create mayhem.

Key points:
·         95% of the 1.2m annual deaths worldwide on the road involve human error. 

This article points out safety in new tecnology as they are newer and more dangerous risks that have been coming out with the introduction of technological developments. History will repeat itself again, similar to the introduction of the internet in the 90’s, where a new type of crime had been introduced.The whole network of self-driving cars will be a hackers playground with each car being his toys to manipulate. 

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