Friday, 15 May 2015


1-11/09/14- 50 best footballers, according to Fifa 15
2-11/09/14- iPhone6 launch
3-11/09/14- TheSun Page 3
4-13/09/14- iPhone6: New Screens
5-13/09/14- ScottishIndependance
6-18/09/14- Apple Watch
7-20/09/14- Google Hits Back
8-20/09/14- Futureof Paying
9-20/09/14- Mojang Bought
11-04/10/14- Can Twitter make money out of breaking news
12-04/10/14- Sexismin freshers week
13-12/10/14- Revenge porn
14-12/10/14- Facebookoffer eggs to be Frozen
15-19/10/14- Minecraft YouTube videos
16-19/10/14- Howto use social media to get a job
17-27/10/14- Audi R8 Scam
18-27/10/14- Intel Invest
19-28/10/14- Removing Ads
20-28/10/14- Vine Goals
21-08/11/14- Malware spys on Companies
22-08/11/14- Ched Evans
23-15/11/14- Reddit secures $50m
24-15/11/14- Billion-Dollar Bubble
25-21/11/14- Smart Spoon
26-21/11/14- Facebook Avoid Tax
27-21/11/14- Hackers and Cars
28-21/11/14- Apple in Trouble
29-21/11/14- News Corp
30-21/11/14- UK goes Digital
31-06/12/14- Mobile News
32-06/12/14- The Pirate Bay
33-06/12/14- Sony Hacked Again
34-06/12/14- Apple pay out
35-06/12/14- CES 2015
36-06/12/14- YouTube For Kids
37-06/12/14- Amazon looking to buy hundreds of US retail stores
38-06/12/14- Twitter: what we learned from the social network's latest financial results 
39-18/01/15- Michael Fertik
40-18/01/15- Viber Banned
42-18/01/15- mobile phone emoticons
44-18/01/15- Youtube to swamped 

Monday, 16 March 2015

Index: Identities in the media

Identities and the Media: index

Now that we've finished our work on Identities and the Media, you need to put together an index so you can easily access your work for revision. It should include the following:

How did the language and selection of images in the coverage create a particular representation of young people? 
The language and selection of images created a negative representation of the youth and teenagers as one specific image was used on 3 different newspapers.

Why does David Buckingham mention Owen Jones and his work Chavs: the demonization of the working class?
David Buckingham mentions Owen Jones due to the fact Owen Jones states that there is a new modernised Britain and that the working class are slowly becoming people to fear within the media.

What is the typical representation of young people – and teenage boys in particular? What did the 2005 IPSOS/MORI survey find?
40% of any articles related with youths was to do with violence, crime or any anti-social behaviour. Also, 71% of these articles are in a negative tone. In addition, only 1% of the interviews were from those who are being spoken about i.e. the youth. Other than this, only 3.4% of the stories published in the news about the youth are positive

How can Stanley Cohen’s work on Moral Panic be linked to the coverage of the riots?
The theory of moral panic can be applied as the coverage of the riots constructed an overall consensus of fear and panic for young people whist it was occurring which undoubtedly has stayed with many individuals. 

What elements of the media and popular culture were blamed for the riots?
Elements such as rap culture, as it glorifies violence and hate of authority, as well as violent computer games and also reality TV

How was social media blamed for the riots? What was interesting about the discussion of social media when compared to the Arab Spring in 2011?
Social media was used as it helped organise, advertise and spread the riots as its primary users are to a similar demographic of the ones involved in the riots. This is in contrast to the Arab springs in which social media was championed as being a new democratic format for oppressed individuals to voice their opinions on.

The riots generated a huge amount of comment and opinion - both in mainstream and social media. How can the two-step flow theory be linked to the coverage of the riots? 
The Two step flow model is a theory on the messages in media, and how opinions are constructed by a minority, or opinion leaders. The news is something that is published to the mass media in a variety of methods such as the traditional newspaper, as well as news apps - that publish the most recent newstory's, reaching a large audience. this audience can be easily influenced into what is right and what is wrong and ''anti social'' - this is the hegemonic control.

Alternatively, how might media scholars like Henry Jenkins view the 'tsunami' of blogs, forums and social media comments? Do you agree that this shows the democratisation of the media?
individuals can express their opinions and have freedom of speech without fear of backlash due to new and digital media being anonymous. They'll believe it's good that the media now gives an opportunity for everyone to participate, as well as challenge the typical and tradition hierarchy and hegemonic control.

What were the right-wing responses to the causes of the riots?
The right wing responses were negative as the youth were compared to beasts and dogs that could not be controlled and needed to be put on 'leashes'.

What were the left-wing responses to the causes of the riots?
The left wing blamed society and the inequality present in it and the continuous negative reprobation that has existed for a number of years and also cuts youth centres etc.

What are your OWN views on the main causes of the riots?
I think the riots happened due to two things. First of all, the shooting of the young male by police officers. Secondly, the materialistic society we live in today, meaning everyone saw  an opportunity to get “free” things and so they took it.  

How can capitalism be blamed for the riots? What media theory (from our new/digital media unit) can this be linked to?
Capitalism can be blamed as we now live in a materialistic society and many individuals believe their worth is characterised by their belongings.

Were people involved in the riots given a voice in the media to explain their participation?
People involved in the riots were not provided an chance to voice their opinion as it may have gone against the representation many media outlets provived its audience.

What is your own opinion on the riots? Do you have sympathy with those involved or do you believe strong prison sentences are the right approach to prevent such events happening in future?
I don’t have sympathy for the rioters but also don’t believe a strong sentence should be given as the youth are reacting to the several factors which are in society, and have affected them.

List FIVE films, FIVE TV programmes and FIVE online-only productions that are discussed in the article.

Kidulthood (2006), Adulthood (2008) Anuvahood (2011) Attack The Block (2011), Sket (2011) Ill Manors (2012)

55 degrees north, Luther, Line of duty, The Kumars at 42, Goodness gracious me, Citizen Khan

Online only: Brother with no game, Venus vs Mars, The Ryan sisters, All about the McKenzies, Meet the adebanjos, The crouches.

Watch Destiny Ekaragha's clips above (more of her work is available on her website, including the short film The Park). To what extent can we apply Alvarado's and Fanon's theories to these films? Do they reinforce or subvert typical black stereotypes in British film and TV? Refer to specific scenes and events in the clips in answering this question and aim for at least 350 words.

Alvarado can be applied here as the three characters sitting on the wall are a prime example of humour in action. This shows that this racial representation unintentionally makes the characters fit into this category showing the director showing an authentic but alternative side to the black community. Also to go against Alvarado’s theory, the dangerous representation is challenged as they are less stereotypical of black youths, they are just relaxing and having a laugh rather than looking intimidating. Also, in accordance to the Alvarado’s theory, the racial representation of being humorous, where they are making fun out of each other, in particular when the middle black youth is questioned of knowing what a white man’s genitalia size. They were infantilized as they were arguing at the start like little children.

In regards to the “Gone too far” trailer, the pitied representation of black people is evident, when the Nigerian man is presented as typically outcast, emphasised by his costume, for example the sandals and socks. The representation of being exotic is also embodied in the Nigerian brother as he is arrives in the UK straight from Nigeria. The dangerous representation is subverted by the fact that there are no stereotypical representations of a black youth being violent, anti-social or a threat. The humorous representation of black people is evident as the Nigerian brother is entertaining, especially in the sense where he is singing in the chicken shop about being Nigerian. In terms of Fanon’s theory, the character of the Nigerian has been primitivized as he is unknown to the British lifestyle and norms; this is evident from the trailer when he attempts to flirt with women but is shot down. The representation is also infantilized as the Nigerian brother is seen as a child who has just entered the world and is discovering new things.

Alvarado’s theory of post-colonialism, suggests that there are 4 racial representations of minority groups. The representations are:

Pitied - looked down upon
Exotic - groups from a good and rich culture
Dangerous – groups that appear as a threat and can cause harm
Humorous – an image that is created for the amusement of the white

Frantz Fanon
Fanon came up with the quote “black skin, white mask”, this means black people would put on white masks in order to become like the White man to be successful.He came up with four ways of stereotyping People:

Infantilize- portray them as children, small and cute, for example using them in Aid commercials.
Primitivize- the exotic tribal warriors or ‘bare breasted maidens’ with a natural sense of rhythm.
Decivilize- The ‘gangster’ pimp.
Essentialize- Clumping the group together, undifferentiating them.

Edward Said’s Orientalism
Said argued that the west- in particular colonising Europe- constructed a meaning of the East (Middle East ) that suggested it was different, dangerous and uncivilised.
West v/s East = Civilised v/s uncivilised =superior v/s inferior

Does it offer a positive or negative view of British Muslims? To what extent does it reinforce or challenge Edward Said's theory of Orientalism - that the west is superior to the exotic or uncivilised east?

Yasmin offers both a positive and negative view of Muslims. Positive as the beginning shows the boy singing in his language and shows them as peaceful, minding their own business, but when the white locals begin to move away they are presented as a nuisance, which show negativity and that they aren’t very helpful but annoying. Also, the facts that the elderly man is cleaning “Paki, Go Home” off the shutter shows them as quiet and calm, as well as refusing to retaliate at the fact that they are unwelcome.

The west is superior to the exotic/uncivilised east as the woman is changing from her religious clothes in a field, which is an insult in itself as women in the Islamic community are supposed to keep their bodies covered, furthermore the women is changing in to western clothes, meaning jeans and a t-shirt. 

Research the No More Page 3 campaign. Who started it and why?

Lucy Holmes started the campaign in the summer when she kept contemplating the fact the only full page representation of woman was a derogatory one.

What are the six reasons the campaign gives for why Page 3 has to go?

1. It is 2015; page 3 was made in the sexist times, 1970's. A lot has changed over the last 30+ years in our society; they think it’s time The Sun caught up.

2. Soft porn- It’s soft porn in the UK’s no.1 selling family newspaper that children are exposed to.

3. Bad teachings for children - They see page after page of pictures of men in clothes doing stuff (running the country, having opinions, achieving in sport!) and what are the women doing in this society they’re learning about? Not much really, other than standing topless in their pants showing their bare breasts for men

4. Women are known for doing better things in the world

5. Showing that women are only needed for sexual needs - Every single weekday for the last 44 years in The Sun newspaper the largest female image has been of a young woman (usually of a very particular age, race, physicality) showing her breasts for men, sending out a powerful message that whatever else a woman achieves, her primary role is to serve men sexually.

6. The Sun could be better without page 3- Because currently, any story they have about women issues such as rape, sexual abuse, harassment or domestic violence is drowned out and contradicted by the pictures on Page 3, allowing them to not be taken seriously

Read this debate in the Guardian regarding whether the campaign should be dropped. What are Barbara Ellen and Susan Boniface's contrasting opinions in the debate?

Boniface believes the sun should no longer have page three and the concept of the girls as we do not live in the 1970's and the sun is holding back the progression of an equal society which women have been currently fighting for.

Barbara argues that being in page 3 is a decision that the women have taken and also removing this freedom (the ability to decide and choose) from women will help in constricting them in what society says they can and can’t do.

How can the No More Page 3 campaign be linked to the idea of post-feminism?

It can be liked with post-feminism as the removal of material such as this will help society become more democratic meaning the need for feminism is severely reduced as women will not be objectified and will treated in the same manner as  men.

What are your OWN views on the No More Page 3 campaign. Do you agree with the campaign's aims? Should the campaign continue?

I agree with the point that Barbara argues that being in page 3 is a decision that the women have taken and also removing this freedom (the ability to decide and choose) from women will help in constricting them in what society says they can and can’t do. But there also needs to be some sort of restriction or censorship of who can access the page.

Do you agree that we are in a post-feminist state or is there still a need for feminism?

I believe that there is still a need for feminism as materials that objectify and reinforce traditional stereotypical views of woman still exist which means that this ideology of society needs something to challenge this and this is where the use of feminism plays a part thus showing the need to combat this via feminism.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Feminism online

Class research task
Feminism online: recent examples

1) Ched Evans:
 petition to prevent convicted rapist playing

·         Ched Evans is a footballer who was convicted of rape, and has faced and received harsh criticism from fans and also women about his return to the professional sport football. One person has been totally against the player being able to play the sport again, and this person is currently using the pseudonym Jean Hatchet. She is currently behind the online petition to stop the 26 year old Ched Evans returning to his former club and she has collected more than 160,000 signatures. After he wasn’t resigned, she began another petition to stop him of signing for another club called Oldham Athletic and the petition received a backing of more than 21,000 people in less than 24 hours.

"Ched Evans is a convicted rapist," she writes. "He does not deserve to return to a high profile and highly visible role in football whilst he still refuses to acknowledge his guilt, apologise to his victim and attempt to make clear his views to the fans who look up to him that what he did was wrong and they should not traumatise her or other rape victims.”

"We do believe he has the right to work. We believe that it does not have to be in a role where he influences views about sexual violence, and his presence on your pitch will do this."

·         The initial incident or situation that sparked this petition was the fact that Ched Evans was convicted of rape and he tried to return to professional not really realising what he has actually done and how it can send a bad image towards fans as at that professional level you are seen as a role model, which has led to the petition by Jean Hatchet.

·         In my opinion I believe to a certain extent that this campaign is both valid and a witch hunt asChed Evans has served a 2 and a half year sentence half of the original 5 year sentence and has to live with the fact that even though he was released on 17 October 2014, although he remains on the Violent and Sex Offender Register indefinitely, which will haunt him. The point about how his offence can send a bad image towards fans of a younger age as he may been seen as a role model makes sense but he isn’t allowed to technically go back to work which isn’t really fair to be honest. He has to live in the guilt and feminist will always make him aware of this and therefore he should be allowed to work/ play again. At least almost everyday someone must be convicted who would be a role model to someone so what makes him so different?

2) Caroline Criado-Perez: female presence on banknotes

·         Caroline Criado-Perez is suggesting that 'Twitter has enabled people to behave in a way they wouldn't face to face'. Caroline Criado-Perez the feminist campaigner had won her battle with the Bank of England to reinstate a woman on the back of an English banknote.Criado-Perez was on the news for a very different reason, as this time she was expressing her discomfort in what she received on twitter. This article was about the rape and death threats she had received on Twitter, following her victory. Two people have been arrested for the violent threats sent too her continuously. She received tweets such as "Get back to the kitchen”“shut up” and f**k off. Othertweets such as someone saying they are going to give her a good smashing up the arse, so this shows she is receiving different types of abuse from twitter users. Other responses were'All aboard the rape train.' Some guy tweeted another guy asking him if he wanted to join in raping her." another quoted tweet is "I will find you, and you don't want to know what I will do when I do. You're pathetic. Kill yourself. Before I do. #Godie."

·         The thing which started the issue of the hate messages toward Caroline Criado-Perez was that she is a strong femist and also she won her battle with the Bank of England to reinstate a woman on the back of an English banknote, which put her face and name out there which means that people in general could hate on her if they were against feminists.

·         In my opinion people sent out death threats just because they wanted to get involved, this was a wichhunt against her. However the campaign itself was valid to gain equality for women in society today. 

3) Caitlin Moran: Twitter silence
·         Twitter Silence was a protest made up on Twitter where women were to stay silent on Twitter for a day to show their inability to speak up on Twitter in general without obtaining any sort of abuse.

·         This idea came about from a quote in Jane Austen's book; Northanger Abbey. Due to the abuse on Twitter aimed at the campaign set up by Caroline Criado Perez which was to put up Jane's picture on a banknote. Her fellow feminists 'rallied up' and Caitlin Moran came up with the idea of 'shutting up' on Twitter. 

·         In my opinion this is a valid campaign as feminists just want to protest against the people who give them abuse. They are not targeting an individual in particular so there is no witch-hunt. There were mixed opinions about this method of protest as many women said it was not effective and women should be louder on Twitter rather than silent to overcome misogyny. 

Monday, 9 February 2015

YouTube for kids

YouTube for kids edges closer as Google buys apps firm launch pad toys


This article is about how youtube is expanding and is now aiming to show videos for kids and kids only. The allows parents the oppurtunity to keep their children safe.
Google has bought children’s apps developer Launchpad Toys for an undisclosed amount, in a deal that may well be related to its plans to launch a new version of YouTube aimed at kids.
ToonTube was essentially a mini-YouTube where all the videos were created by children, with Launchpad Toys also providing the tool – TeleStory – used to make those videos. Google buying the company is a big hint at its ambitions to do more with children’s videos on YouTube.

Some of the most popular channels on YouTube are already aimed at children. Toy-unboxing channel DC Toys Collector and Minecraft gamer Stampy were its second and fourth most popular channels in 2014 with 3.3bn and 2.2bn views respectively.

Amazon to buy hundreds of US retail stores

Amazon reportedly looking to buy hundreds of US retail stores

Description: A RadioShack store in Chelsea in New York

Amazon is reportedly in discussions to buy hundreds of retail stores across the US to showcase its products, such as the Kindle tablet and Fire smartphone, and act as delivery points for online orders.
The Seattle-based company, which last week reported annual sales of $89bn (£59bn), is in talks about acquiring some of collapsed electronics chain RadioShack’s 4,000 stores, Bloomberg reported. Amazon did not respond to requests for comment. RadioShack declined to comment.

The proposed deal would be Amazon’s biggest push into traditional retailing and present a challenge to Apple, which has stores in cities across America and the rest of the world.

While the Kindle has been a sales success, the Fire – which was billed as a rival to the iPhone – has flopped. Third-party sales figures published in 2014 suggested that Amazon had only sold 35,000 Fire phones. Amazon has repeatedly dropped the price of the phone, eventually bringing it to just 99 cents (on a two-year contract) down from $199. The failure to shift enough Fire smartphones contributed to a $170m write down in the third quarter of last year.

Twitter: financial results

Twitter: what we learned from the social network's latest financial results

Description: Twitter's user growth is slow, but its advertising growth is anything but.

This article is about Twitter almost being able to reach 300 million users by March. Twitter had an average of 288 million monthly active users (MAUs) in the final quarter of 2014. That’s up 20% year-on-year, but was only four million more MAUs than it averaged in the third quarter of 2014.
The main reason investors were so chuffed with Twitter’s financials was its growth in revenues – up 97% year-on-year to $479m in the fourth quarter

Twitter now makes $2.37 in ad revenues for every 1,000 timeline views on its service, and mobile is the key. 80% of its active users access Twitter from a mobile device at least some of the time last quarter, and mobile ads accounted for 88% of Twiter’s $432m of advertising revenues.

Michael Fertik

Michael Fertik: Online reputation or money or power


This article is about how online reputation is more powerful than money and power.Michael Fertik, an entrepreneur had started his business solely based on reputation.
Online reputation of 1.6 million customers who pay upwards of £700 a year to have their most flattering activities showcased to the world via search engines
He has a staff of 240 in California and in 2013 he acquired the British company Reputation 24/7 and launched
He writes, “Reputation is becoming more valuable than money or power.”
The amount of information you give away about yourself – your “digital footprint” – increases exponentially every time you go online.  

This is interesting as this rise shows that it is becoming so much more relevant and important in today's society that people are willing to pay to have their reputation showcased.

Viber Banned

Viber Banned In Bangladesh

This article discusses how the voice/video calling app called Viber has been banned in Bangladesh. It discusses the reasons as to why it had been banned. Bangladeshi telecoms authorities have shut down smartphone messaging service Viber, which had become a popular communication medium for anti-government protesters. He did not give reasons for the decision, but local television station Channel 24 said Viber was shut down to prevent protesters from “exchanging information” across the country.
At least 25 people have died in the latest violence including about a dozen burned to death after protesters firebombed buses.
The government has deployed thousands of police, paramilitaries and an elite anti-militant force to crack down on the protesters. But the violence has continued unabated, disrupting transport services and shipments of garments, the country’s biggest export.

Snapchat helps Daily Mail and Vice Media

Snapchat helps Daily Mail and Vice Media get on message with youngsters

This article is about how other media organisations have linked up with snapchat and created a new discover page.
Daily Mail, Vice Media and Snapchat, the messaging app once mainly known for sexting, might seem unlikely allies in shaping the future of media distribution.

Media partners create what Snapchat calls “editions” – bundles of stories that disappear after 24 hours – for the new platform, with Snapchat’s fledgling editorial team also providing content.This is a good idea for companies to interact, this increases their users.

mobile phone emoticons

The mobile phone emoticons that could wipe the smile off your face :-(

This article is about how Users of some older smartphones including those from Samsung and reportedly Apple and HTC are finding that when they send a text message that includes a smiley face or other emoticon, the handset converts the SMS to a picture message and charges them.
·         The case of a woman who racked up a £1,200 bill over four months through the use of emoticons in texts.
·         In a recent survey into unexpectedly high bills the watchdog found that 4% of the 5,700 people surveyed said they had received a high bill caused by unexpected charges for emoticons.

That fact that phones can rack up $1,200 bill just by doing something simple shows how even new and digital media can backfire, and fall flat

WhatsApp moves to the web

WhatsApp messenger makes move to the web
This article is about the how whatsapp messenger, which is a major communication application that is now entering the web-iverse, as they have a new web-based app that finally, allows users to send messages from a computer to contacts using smartphones. It also allows them to reply  to all chats.
key points:
Ø  The new platform allows WhatsApp’s 700m users to send and receive free text, picture and voice messages through Google Chrome on a computer, but only if they use WhatsApp on an Android, Windows Phone or BlackBerry
Ø  The Facebook-owned service recently announced that it had 700m monthly active users who send more than 30bn WhatsApp messages a day. It has added about 25m users a month since August 2014.

In my opinion, this is a prime example of the rapid growth of New and digital media has revolutionised communication, as messaging has grown from phone to phone to phone to computer. The fact that whatsapp has entered websites platform presents how there is no major competition as they were bought by the competitor who is more powerful. This helps them to stay on top.   

YouTube too swamped to filter terror-related content

YouTube staff too swamped to filter out all terror-related content
This article is about how the volume of content regularly uploaded to YouTube makes it tough for the video-sharing website to catch all terror-related content, and how it is different for nudity for certain videos depending on its content.
Key point:
·         About 300 hours of video material is being uploaded to YouTube every minute, said Google policy manager Verity Harding, who stated: “To pre-screen those videos before they are uploaded would be like screening a phone call before it’s made.”
·         “YouTube has clear policies that prohibit content like gratuitous violence, hate speech and incitement to commit violent acts, and we remove videos violating these policies when flagged by our users.”

In my opinion, this article highlights censorship and how important it is in terms of protecting sensitive audiences from harmful content, like porn and the beheadings.  

Hacker fakes German minister's fingerprints

Hacker fakes German minister's fingerprints using photos of her hands
Jan Krissler, a hacker, also know as Starbug in the hackers circle has managed to use a high resolution photo, including one from a government press office, to successfully recreate the fingerprints of Germany’s defence minister Ursula von der Leyen. In a high profile stunt in 2013, he spoofed Apple’s Touched sensors within 24 hours of the release of the iPhone 5S. Using a smudge on the screen of an iPhone, he printed a dummy finger using wood glue and sprayable graphene, which successfully unlocked a phone registered to someone else’s thumb.
Key points:
Starbug agrees, telling Zeit in 2013 that “I consider my password safer than my fingerprint… My password is in my head, and if I’m careful when typing, I remain the only one who knows it.”
In my opinion, this highlights how new and digital media has become so advanced and shows how vunerable these systems are for example the biometric systems. This is evidence of how new and digital media can affect the audiences and the news.