Monday 29 September 2014

iPhone 6 launch

iPhone 6 launch: what do you want from Apple's new phone - and wearable?

This article is about iPhone releasing its newest version of its iPhone Franchise. The article asks questions of some features which are rumoured to be included with the newest and latest design yet. These may be rumours of “unscratchable” sapphire screens or even bigger screen sizes. These views have been opened up to the general public to make and share their own opinion on the big event which will be taking place on the 9th of September 2014, the unveiling of the new phone by CEO Tim Cook. This phone is likely to introduce iOS8 which includes new features as well as flexibility.

Key points:
·         Rumours of “unscratchable”
·         New Apple Product- iPhone 6
·         iPhone 6 is likely to introduce iOS8

This article was more of a forum as it stated what the new iPhone is rumoured to have and allows the viewers to have a debate on what they want in the new phone.

Friday 19 September 2014

50 best footballers, according to Fifa 15

These are the world's 50 best footballers, according to Fifa 15

This story is about how the developers at EA use real life information and statistics about real football players to create them in one of their most successful games, FIFA. From doing so they have been able to give a rough judgement on the worlds 50 best footballers. This has therefore been seen by players of the game and people who also have a passion to watch or play football. Over the last 365 days they have included players from the best leagues such as the Premier League (England), Bundesliga (Germany), La Liga (Spain) and Serie A (Italy).

Key points:
·         EA are releasing FIFA 15 on September 25.
·         One of EA’s most successful games is FIFA
·         The top 10 players according to FIFA and EA are:

10. Eden Hazard - Chelsea FC (England)
9. Franck Ribéry - Bayern Munich (Germany)
8. Bastian Schweinsteiger - Bayern Munich (Germany)
7. Luis Suárez - FC Barcelona (Spain)
6. Andrés Iniesta - FC Barcelona (Spain)
5. Manuel Neuer - Bayern Munich (Germany)
4. Zlatan Ibrahimović - Paris Saint-Germain (France)
3. Arjen Robben - Bayern Munich (Germany)
2. Cristiano Ronaldo - Real Madrid (Spain)
1. Lionel Messi - FC Barcelona (Spain)

My opinion about the article is that it gets fans debating whether people are overrated or underrated, or they may be people missing from the list. Some may say that the article is misleading or wrong whilst others may agree with the listing. Therefore it’s a good article for some and is a great topic of discussion for fans of football or the game FIFA.