Monday, 20 October 2014

Facebook offer eggs to be Frozen

Apple and Facebook offer to freeze eggs for female staff

This article is about Apple and Facebook battling for the best talent by offering to pay for female employees to freeze their eggs. Facebook has started offering female staff up to $20,000 (£12, 570) for so-called ocyte-cryopreservation, so that they can delay having children until later in their careers. The process typically costs between $10,000 and $15,000, plus an additional $1,000-a-year to keep the harvested eggs on ice. The social network is also offering help to men who want to become parents. Apple has said it plans to start paying for egg freezing from January.

Both companies hope that the move will help them to attract more female staff, and retain them for longer by reducing the pressure on them to have children before a particular age. Instead of progressing up the ladder to senior positions, many women having children end up dropping out of the workforce, leading to a loss of experienced talent.

Key Points:
·         Women’s fertility goes into steady decline after the age of 35, and falls even more rapidly after 40
·         The process typically costs between $10,000 and $15,000, plus an additional $1,000-a-year to keep the harvested eggs on ice.

This shows that Facebook care about their own progress and are giving their female staff a reason to carry on working for them rather than the females focusing on have a females as there is an option to have the children at a later stage.

Revenge porn

Revenge porn could lead to 14-year sentence, new guidelines clarify

The article talks about the issue of revenge porn. This is the act in which explicit images of former partners are posted online after the relationship has ended. The new rule is that the Crown Prosecution service suggests it will now carry a maximum sentence of 14 years, if someone is caught doing so. A spokesperson has said that “No one should have to suffer the hurt and humiliation of ‘revenge pornography’ – a nasty and invasive crime that has appeared due to the developments of digital media.

Key Points:
·         “Due to the very personal nature of ‘revenge pornography’, prosecutors are being asked specifically to consider the impact on the victims involved.
·         There were 149 allegations of crimes involving revenge pornography during the last two and a half years, according to the eight police forces in England and Wales.

This article explains the important issue of privacy and how it’s changed along with the impact of new and digital media on the audiences. There seems to be very little privacy online making audience prone to violation and becoming targets by hackers. The development of new digital media has made audiences more vulnerable.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Sexism in freshers week

Everyday sexism in freshers week: the fightback starts here

The National Union of Students is investigating lad culture at universities.

This article is about how the National Union of Students (NUS) revealed the results of a survey of over 2000 students. The results showed that 37% of female and 12% of male respondents had experienced unwanted groping or inappropriate touching. 36% of women had experienced unwanted sexual comments about their body (compared with 16% of men).A girls story is explained which is related to the issue: “On a night out at the student union, I was dancing away, minding my own business, when a guy I didn’t know grabbed me from behind and roughly pulled me into him, lifting me off my feet. One arm around my waist and the other across my breasts, he spun me around and then pushed me into his friend. I was even more pissed off when I told a member of staff and all I got was a shoulder shrug and told that they couldn’t do anything because ‘I had not been assaulted’. Gee thanks.”

Key Points:
·         37% of female and 12% of male respondents had experienced unwanted groping or inappropriate touching.
·         36% of women had experienced unwanted sexual comments about their body (compared with 16% of men)

This article shows how there is an issue with university life as there are issues of harassment and unwanted sexual groping of female students. This article shows that there isn’t really enough protection for these female students.

Can Twitter make money out of breaking news

Can Twitter make money out of breaking news or is it a PR platform?

Vivian Schiller
This story/ article is about what’s going on with Twitter. There is an on-going struggle within Twitter over whether it should largely be a conduit for journalism or PR.And whether a technology company, even one with 271 million monthly users, believes it can make money out of breaking news. Twitter’s behaviour over the last few months suggests it doesn’t think it can.Twitter has always seemed bigger than it actually is because of the type of people – celebrities, sports stars and politicians as well as newshounds – who use it.

Key Points:
·         8% of people were using Twitter for news
·         Facebook, with 1.2 billion users, and is twitters social media rival.
·         271 million monthly users on Twitter

My opinion about this story is that Twitter has the capability to both entertain and give its audience real life news stories as the internet is where the audience now spend most of their free time, as there has been digital developments where these stories can be accessed.


Does free speech give us the right to anonymously troll strangers?

Hands typing on a computer keyboard

This article talks about the recent case in which the internet troll Brenda Leyland was exposed as the troll of the McCann family and was recently found dead after suicide. The article questions whether social media gives people too much freedom allowing there to be "trolling" online. The article talks about how trolling has now become an almost accepted part of social media in that if you are a social media you will be exposed to trolling. However some can actually be threatening leading to other issues.

Key Points:
·         Trolling can also be obsessive and highly personalised – a form of stalking.
·         Trolling seems to now be viewed as an acceptable

As there have been developments with new and digital media and social networks there has been less censorship as not everything on the internet can be regulated as there is an increased level of User Generated Content. For this reason people are free to do what they please to a certain extent, even if it is offensive and can affect another individual. 

Mojang Bought

Minecraft studio Mojang bought by Microsoft for $2.5bn

This article is about the purchase which Microsoft has made. Microsoft has bought Mojang, the Swedish studio behind the game Minecraft, for $2.5 billion (£1.5bn). Minecraft has been downloaded more than 100 million times since its launch in 2009, brought Mojang more than $100 million in profit last year and is one of the most popular games of all time.

Key facts: 
·                     Microsoft buys Minecraft creators Mojang for $2.5 billion (£1.5 billion)
·                     Minecraft being downloaded 100 million+ times
·                     $100 million profit in 2013

Microsoft being able to buy Mojang so easily highlights just how powerful and what a global giant they are in the media, as they can buy almost any company they want. It is actions like this and other media giants such as Apple buying Dre beats and Facebook buying Snapchat that perhaps do not allow smaller media companies to become major powers houses.

Future of Paying

Cash or card? Soon we'll be paying by handshake

The article looks at how technology is changing and becoming more futuristic. For example the way in which things are paid for has developed into cards in which you just have to tap on a reader. This will still be developed in the future and will change the way people will be able to pay for things through. Along with this they talk about a 'touchless' system. Meaning that you would be able to simply pick up your products and walk out of a store. 

Key Points:
·         Contactless technology has been available in the UK since 2007
·         There are currently 31.3 million credit and debit cards enabled with contactless technology
·         You can "wave and pay" with some mobile phones, such as the Samsung Galaxy S3

I think there will be too many complications with this system although it would be an easy and more convenient way to shop. However as it will be introduced sometime in the future, it may have some success. 

The Rise and Rise of UGC

The Rise and Rise of UGC

Answer the following questions...

What is meant by the term ‘citizen journalist’?
‘The audience have become ‘users’ and the users have become publishers’ as the general  pu8blice who may have smartphones which have video cameras can now catch the action when it happens and can be filmed by an onlooker. These citizens play an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analysing, and broadcasting news and information. This can be done on social media sites such as twitter because of these digital developments. This can be effective as the information can be used for different reasons such as crimes, breaking news or shocking footages.

What was one of the first examples of news being generated by ‘ordinary people’?

The first example of news being generated by ‘ordinary people’was back in 1991. In 1991 four Los Angeles police officerscaught Rodney King, an African-American, after a high speed chase and surrounded him. After surrounding the young man the police officers tasered and beat him with clubs. This was filmed/ videoed by an onlooker from his apartment window.This footage made prime-time news and became an international media sensation, and a focus for complaints about police racism towards African-Americans. This caused 6days of riots in which 53 people diedand around 4000 people were injured.The costs of the damage, looting and clear-up came in at up to a billion dollars.If George Holliday (The Onlooker) hadn’t been looking out of his window the police officers would have got away with it .

List some of the formats for participation that are now offered by news organisations.

Message boards
Chat rooms
Blogs with comments enabled.

What is one of the main differences between professionally shot footage and that taken first-hand (UGC)?

The clips/ footages are often more hard-hitting and emotive coming from the audience as you see it from their perspective.

What is a gatekeeper?

The gatekeeper is the person who decides what shall pass through mainly him and be broadcasted to a mass audience

How has the role of a gatekeeper changed?

People can create their own user generated content this has meant that things can’t be moderated online anymore as there is more freedom of speech and a lower level of censorship.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Google Hits Back

Google hits back at News Corp’s claims that it is a platform for piracy

Description: Google

This article is about Google’s reaction to what has been said in the form of Rachel Whetstone (the former advisor to conservative leader Michael Howard who is now Google’s senior vice president of global communications). Whetstone addresses all the comments that Murdoch had made in his letter to the UN’s competition commission. She also uses examples where The Sun has changed things using its power to influence the audiences.

·         Last year Google removed 222m web pages that broke copyright rules, with an average take down time of six hours.

·         “Google is also an industry leader in combating child sexual abuse,” she said. “And we are committed to protecting our users’ security. It’s why we remove malware from our search results and other products.”

·         News Corp UK title the Sun’s notorious “Up Yours Delors” front page from 1990, aimed at the then European Commission president, with the accompanying comment: “People probably have enough evidence to judge that one for themselves.”

I believe both major institutions have become so powerful that this clash is almost a struggle of total control for the media empire. Every institution wants to be the biggest and most popular that have a large audience to control and use as people seem to be dumbing down and believing everything they hear and are told.

Apple Watch

Five reasons why the Apple watch won’t take off

To summarise this article it is a summary of the Apple watch and presents the reader with the quite obvious flaws that have been found prior to it even being purchased. As the writer puts it that he is “disappointed” with many others who were considering buying one. The Apple watch has packed in too much with any real use. The next issue is that there are so many applications packed in that there will be more notifications and apple failing to further its developments. Furthermore, the size is really big and clunky so it has quite a bit of weight on it due to the large screen. The fourth issue is that you need an I phone in order for it to work, so this increases the chance of you being robbed as you are carrying “at least £1000 in valuables”.

In my opinion, Apples attempts at trying to get ahead of the game in the technology industry with the latest Iphone and Apple watch has become a mix of success and failure. The Iphone 6 is able to live up to the hype and buzz created, however the Apple watches attempt at living up to the expectations  may have taken a wrong turn as it looks like Apple rushed its developments.

Scottish Independance

Scottish independance : broadcasting changes could damage democracy

Description: Enders Scottish independence

This story is talking about  how an independent Scotland would not be allowed to enjoy the BBC and its shows as it would now be an independent state. However, this is not correct as they would still be able to get all BBC channels through either a SKY subscription or a Virgin subscription. An independent would have to create their own ofcom to monitor shows and movie.  

I believe that the article is accurate as independence for Scotland would mean the loss of the BBC as it is the national broadcaster but more relevantly it is another variable that could make Scotland stay.

the point about a Scotland ofcom intrigued me as there would be a need for construction of snp would. Due to the fact a party would set this up , the question is raised whether this new organisation under SNP's control would be biased and conform to the SNP's need and not that of the Scottish people.

iPhone 6: New Screens

iPhone 6: mass production of new sapphire screens begins
Description: iPhone 5s.

This article is about iPhone releasing its newest version of its iPhone Franchise. It shows and talks about the new screen. These screens are Near-unscratchable screens that are expected to be one of the biggest selling points of the iPhone 6. This has resulted in the company Apple in saying "You should be good without a screen protector on your next iPhone"A prototype has gone through a durability tests as it involved stabbing it with a hunting knife and trying to snap it while standing on it.

Key points:
·         The iPhone 6 will make its first public appearance on 9 September
·         In March 2012, Apple patented a concept for laminating thin layers of sapphire to each other and to glass, producing surfaces that are strong and resist chipping
·         Apple is said to be preparing two new iPhone models, both of which will have larger screens than their predecessors. The biggest will measure 5.5 inches corner to corner, while the smaller iPhone will have a 4.7-inch screen

Until now Apple has had screens which can be easily shattered and marked. But the new screens have shown that they can withstand scratches from concrete. This would be good for the company as they have fixed a problem which consumers may have had with their phone.

The Sun Page 3

The Sun's Page 3 topless pictures appear to be on their way out...

The article here is about the sun appearing to ease on the page 3 nudity pictures of models. There was a picture of Kim Kardashian one week which was her nude but with her nipples concealed. Because there has been serious protests about the explicit images in the paper the newspaper set out to have a fully clothed model on as their page model. The Sun has recently replaced most of their nude models with other celebs such as pictures of Cheryl Cole and Mariah Carey. Most Campaigners had been pressing for such papers and magazines to be taken out of the view of children, as they are easily accessed in stores or little corner shops.
Key Points:
·         Lucy Holmes and her No More Page 3 colleagues have clearly had an effect. Their petition urging Sun editor David Dinsmore to "take the bare boobs out of The Sun" has now attracted 203,000 signatures.
·         The Sun's "Get Kids Reading" campaign is part of a wider "Read On, Get On" campaign with Save the Children that calls on the government, local organisations and parents to tackle illiteracy. It aims to raise literacy levels so that every child born this year can read well by the time they are 11 in 2025.
·         According to a report on behalf of Save the Children, Britain currently has one of the worst literacy records in Europe, with one in six adults not being able to read to the standard set for 11-year olds.
My opinion about the article is that it the positives and negatives about the The Sun. This is because the article talks about how they have a campaign to help children but they also show the bad side of the paper as young children have easy access to nude pictures of women.